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Hurricane Ian Claim

Five Hurricane Season Preparation Tips

Five Hurricane Season Preparation Tips

Five Hurricane Season Preparation Tips

Hurricanes create massive devastation both during and after it occurs, harming people’s lives and damage property. Adequate preparation can assist you, your family, or your business in mitigating the storm’s effects. The optimum moment to begin is before a threat becomes severe. These are a few hurricane seasons preparation tips you should follow to avoid property claims in Orlando, FL.

Devise a Plan

Ensure you and your family get prepared for hurricane season every year by planning.

  • Make a list of emergency contact details and keep it on the fridge or near all telephones in your home. It would be best if you also programmed them into your cell phone.
  • Make an emergency supplies kit.
  • Determine the location of the nearest shelter and the various routes one can take to get there from your residence.
  • Pet owners: Plan of time to take your animals to a shelter, a pet-friendly hotel, or perhaps an out-of-town friend or relative in the event of an evacuation. If you are requested to evacuate your house, local animal shelters could advise you about what to do with your pets.

Gather Emergency Supplies

It is important to remember that you will require items to keep your family healthy and safe during and after a hurricane. The hurricane could take out your power and water supplies, and you may be unable to drive due to vehicle damage or flooded and impassable roads. That is why it is crucial to be prepared. Stock up on anything you may require prior. Keep the following items on hand:

  • Emergency food and water supply, and medications.
  • Power sources such as flashlights with extra batteries on hand.
  • Personal and safety items.
  • Important documents such as medical records, passports, wills, and personal identification.
  • A fire extinguisher and make sure every family member knows where it is and how to use it.

Prepare For Evacuation or Shelter-in-Place

Carefully follow the advice of authorities while deciding whether to evacuate or remain at home. If a storm is on its way, officials usually issue an evacuation order to leave your home. Never defy an evacuation order because even strong, well-built houses may not be able to withstand a hurricane.  Also, you might hear a command to stay at home. If driving conditions are hazardous, staying at home may be a better option than traveling.

Protect Your Business

Hurricanes have an impact on businesses as well, so be equipped.

  • Develop a strategic action and continuity plan in the event of an emergency. This will aid your company’s recovery in the event of a hurricane.
  • Maintain up-to-date contact information for suppliers, employees, and vendors so you can check in on their well-being and convey the next steps for resuming business activities.
  • Examine your business insurance coverage and property claims to determine what is and is not covered.

Check Your Insurance Policies

A homeowner should consult with their insurance agents to see the hurricane season insurance checklist. It will assist in understanding the property claim coverage and determining whether it is sufficient to repair or reconstruct your residence, if necessary, as well as replace your belongings. 

By taking these important steps, you will be more prepared to tackle hurricane season in Florida.  If you suffer from property damage, you may find yourself in the middle of a property claims in Orlando, FL.  Contact our adjusters to hear how we can advocate for you today.

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1060 Maitland Center Commons Blvd.,
Suite 225,
Maitland, FL 32751

(321) 444-6981

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5802 Hoffner Avenue,
Suite 705,
Orlando FL 32822

(321) 295-7021

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