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Six Ways to Protect Your Home from Theft

Six Ways to Protect Your Home from Theft

Six Ways to Protect Your Home from Theft

Do you worry about the safety and security of your home at night?  Are you concerned with the threat of crime in your neighborhood?  When you live in fear, you will never be able to stay comfortable in your own homes.  As a public claims adjuster in central Florida, we know the frustrating and scary emotions that follow after you are robbed.  Theft and burglary are common in many dangerous areas, and you can do a few things to protect you and your family from these threats.

Install Motion Sensor Lights

If you have a darkened driveway or walkways around your home, a burglar may consider you as an easy target to sneak up on at night.  They will be able to walk around your home undetected and try to find an open window or door.  Avoid this by installing motion sensor lights around the perimeter of your home.  These will turn on and scare anyone that fears they will be seen.

Talk with Your Neighbors

Sometimes staying safe in your home doesn't require installing something new; it just requires getting more familiar with your surroundings.  Getting to know your neighbors can have many benefits on the safety of your home.  Friendships with your neighbors will help to keep your house safe, as everyone will be looking out for each other.  If they notice something strange, they will tell you.

Vary Your Schedule

Burglars tend to make their move after they spend time studying their targets.  They will take notice of your schedule by watching your home, when you leave, and when you return.  Once they understand your everyday routine, they will make their move.  Vary your schedule so they cannot predict your movements.  This will cause them to move on before they even consider the risk of stealing from you.

Install Deadbolts on Your Exterior Doors

Many burglars force their way into doors that aren't locked or can be easily broken.  Remove this risk by installing deadbolts on all of your exterior doors.  This is an easy fix that can make you feel more comfortable when you lock your doors each night.

Get a Security System

Security systems are also recommended for homes that are in vulnerable or dangerous neighborhoods.  When you are worried about the threat of intruders, you should install a security system to put your worries at ease.  These systems will alert you of anything strange or any known presences on your property.  

Trim Your Landscaping

If you let your landscaping become overgrown, you actually can provide burglars with the perfect place to hide until they see their moment to strike.  It is especially important to keep landscaping around your front door and first-floor windows trimmed back.  This will prevent anyone from hiding and jumping out when you least expect it.

These are six steps that you can take to protect your home from the threat of burglars.  Taking precautions will protect your from suffering from a scary and difficult burglary or incident of theft.  Contact our public claims adjuster in central Florida to hear how we can help you with more.

We serve all of Florida

We represent you, not the insurance company.
Central Florida

1060 Maitland Center Commons Blvd.,
Suite 225,
Maitland, FL 32751

(321) 444-6981

South Orlando

5802 Hoffner Avenue,
Suite 705,
Orlando FL 32822

(321) 295-7021

Five Star Claims Adjusting™
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