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Things You Need to Know to Maximize Water Damage Claims

Things You Need to Know to Maximize Water Damage Claims

Things You Need to Know to Maximize Water Damage Claims

Water damage claims can be costly and headache-inducing. Your insurance agency aims to settle your claim while offering you the least amount of money possible. Unfortunately when it comes to water damage, are often especially foul. Here are five things from our experts on property claims in Central Florida that you need to understand about maximizing your water damage claim.

1) Know the Right Time to Engage a Public Adjuster

Public adjusters help maximize your insurance claim and bargain with the insurer on your behalf. If your disputed payment is over $10,000, hiring a public adjuster is generally in your best interest. A professional public adjuster can demonstrate how to maximize your insurance claim for water damage.

Most public adjusters have formerly worked on behalf of insurance agencies before switching sides to represent the people. They've managed water damage claims on both sides of the table. They can be a massive asset to have – helping to guarantee you obtain the full claim compensation you are entitled to and working to improve claim settlements so you can make a complete recovery after a loss. Reach out for a complimentary consultation with a capable public insurance adjuster.

2) Know the Difference Between Water and Flood Damage

Water and flood damage are two separate perils. However, this distinction can have an immense impact on your claim. Water damage is often noted as the most frequent damage documented in the home insurance industry. It can be compelled by issues like frozen or broken pipes, poorly-maintained appliances, sewer backups, leaky roofs, wind-driven rain, and numerous other troubles. Unfortunately, home insurance policies typically cover water damage but not flood damage. Therefore, when filing a water damage claim and attempting to make the most of it, it is crucial to know what is and isn't covered in your policy.

3) Do You Need Flood Insurance?

Flood damage is not protected by home insurance. It wasn't even obtainable in America until 1968, when the government established the National Flood Insurance Program. Today, many homeowners carry flood insurance via the NFIP.

Standard property insurance programs will never cover flood damage. Instead, you must purchase a separate policy from your insurer or via the NFIP. Before you do so, understand what a flood is. The NFIP describes a flood as a general and transient condition of partial or total inundation of two or more regions of normally dry land area or two or more properties from a torrent of inland or tidal waters; unique and fast assemblage or run-off of surface waters from any source or mudflow.

In layman's terms, it refers to advancing water or mud occuring on usually dry land. Generally, floods are provoked by heavy rains, bursting rivers, melting snow, hurricane storm surges, or flash floods. Flood insurance is a brilliant plan if you're near the water table, in a flood plain, or in a region predisposed to any of these conditions.

Ultimately, the most suitable option is to hire a public adjuster to help you through the water damage property claims in Central Florida and maximize your settlement. They're licensed professionals who know the industry better than anyone – and the best way to guarantee your water damage insurance claim is covered. Contact us today for more information.

We serve all of Florida

We represent you, not the insurance company.
Central Florida

1060 Maitland Center Commons Blvd.,
Suite 225,
Maitland, FL 32751

(321) 444-6981

South Orlando

5802 Hoffner Avenue,
Suite 705,
Orlando FL 32822

(321) 295-7021

Five Star Claims Adjusting™
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